Review of the Tax Treatment of Digital Assets and Transactions in Australia


On 8 December 2021, the former treasurer tasked the Board of Taxation (Board) with a review of the tax treatment of digital assets and transactions (crypto assets) in Australia. This was part of a broader response to a review of the Australian payments system and the regulation of digital assets.

The former government released the terms of reference for the review on the 21 March 2022. These terms of reference were confirmed by the government in August 2022.

Terms of reference

With reference to Australia’s strong competitive position as an early adopter of digital innovations relative to other jurisdictions, the scope of digital transactions and assets, and without increasing the overall tax burden, the Board is asked to:

  • consider the current Australian taxation treatment of digital assets and transactions and emerging tax policy issues
  • consider the awareness of the taxation treatment by both retail and wholesale investors and those transacting in digital assets as part of their business
  • consider the characteristics and features of digital assets and transactions in the market, including the rapid evolution of technology supporting the broader digital asset ecosystem
  • analyse the taxation of digital assets and transactions in comparative jurisdictions and consider how international experience may inform the taxation of digital assets and transactions in Australia and
  • consider whether or not any changes to Australia’s taxation laws and/or their administration are warranted in the context of digital assets and transactions, both for retail and wholesale investors.

Working group

The Board appointed a working group to conduct the review.

The working group included at various times Board members Mr Anthony Klein (to the end of his term), Ms Tanya Titman, Ms Andrea Laing, Dr Julianne Jaques KC and Mr Ian Kellock as well as Mrs Rosheen Garnon (Board Chair).

In addition, the working group was comprised of specialists in taxation and digital assets across academia, the tax profession and digital asset industry, and officials from The Treasury and the Australian Taxation Office.



In August 2022, the Board published a Consultation Guide which provides an overview of crypto assets and the current taxation treatment within Australia.

The guide outlined relevant government reports and announcements. It also posed questions for interested parties to consider in their review submission.


The Board held consultations throughout September 2022 attended by representatives from:

  • the tax profession
  • academia
  • crypto exchanges and platforms
  • software providers
  • retail and wholesale investors.

Following the initial public consultation process, the Board undertook extensive consultation in Australia and with international revenue authorities.

The Board thanks the many representatives who participated in our consultation process.

Submissions received

Submitter Download
Ashurst PDF 150KB
Australian Banking Association PDF 119KB
Australian Bitcoin Industry Body PDF 3.0MB
Blockchain & Digital Assets – Services + Law PDF 8.0MB
Blockchain Australia PDF 959KB
Cadena Legal PDF 313KB
Cartland Law PDF 573KB
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), CPA Australia (CPAA),
Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and the Tax Institute (Joint Bodies)
Coinbase PDF 1.6MB
Coinstash PDF 336KB
Darcy Financial PDF 707KB
Doxed Capital PDF 4.2MB
Financial Services Council PDF 975KB
Fintech Australia/King & Wood Mallesons PDF 718KB
Gerlach, Darren PDF 154KB
Gilbert + Tobin PDF 140KB
HopgoodGanim Lawyers PDF 176KB
Irwin, Sam PDF 909KB
King & Wood Mallesons PDF 194KB
Koinly PDF 5.3MB
Law Council of Australia PDF 188KB
Law Institute of Victoria PDF 337KB
Minter Ellison PDF 889KB
Morton, Dr Elizabeth; Greig, Ms Lisa; Carey, Mr James;
Komarenko, Ms Veronika; Kovalenko, Ms Maryna (Members of the Tax Profession)
NotCentralised and Australian DeFi Association PDF 1.9MB
Oracle Accounting PDF 475KB
Raihman, Razwina PDF 179KB
Rider, Stephen PDF 1.1MB
SMSF Association PDF 208KB
Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners Australia Pty Limited
STEP Australia)
Swyftx Pty Ltd PDF 120KB
Syla PDF 166KB
Tailored Accountants PDF 180KB
Tech Council of Australia PDF 103KB
Vertex Inc PDF 639KB
Wood, Darrell James PDF 493KB

Board report

The Board delivered its report to the government on 23 February 2024.

Read the Board's report [PDF 4MB | DOCX 2.6MB]

Government response

On 21 March 2025, the government announced the publication of the review of the tax treatment of digital assets and transactions in Australia report.

The government and relevant regulators will consider the Board’s recommendations and observations in the report.

View the response.

More information

If you have questions about the review, email the Board of Taxation Secretariat at