Our activities

The Board has a broad and varied work programme encompassing the following:

  • Reviewing and reporting on specific issues as and when requested by the Treasurer.
  • From time to time, the Board provides real-time policy advice to the Government, including in relation to major tax policy issues such as Budget measures, significant economic initiatives and the tax reform process.
  • Supporting the Government’s tax regulatory reform agenda

The Board maintains a number of working groups, constituting Board members, tax professionals and representatives from the ATO, Treasury and academia, who meet regularly to carry out this work.

Board members also frequently participate in a range of events across the country.

Regulatory reform

The Board plays a key role in helping the Australian Government to carry out its regulatory reform agenda.

As part of this role, the Board’s Regulatory Reform Working Group offers advice to the Treasurer on opportunities to reduce red tape in the tax system.

The Board also plays a role in reviewing the performance of Australia’s tax system regulator, the Australian Taxation Office.

Read more about the Board’s regulatory reform work

Tax reform

The Board of Taxation provides real‑time policy advice to the Government in relation to major tax policy issues such as Budget measures, significant economic initiatives and the tax reform process.

This advice assists the Government to:

  • improve the tax policy development process
  • better support the development of community consensus around a long‑term tax agenda
  • reduce complexity in the tax system.