Sweating the small stuff: typos and slip ups

Indirect Value Shifting Provisions - Consequential Amendment

The recovery provision in section 727-250 (all references are to ITAA97 unless stated otherwise) is designed to prevent the operation of the indirect value shifting rules when the gaining entity receives assessable income or a dividend. The issue identified relates to the change of dividends being exempt income to non-assessable non-exempt income in 2004 without a consequential amendment in section 727-250(2).

Extending BAS / payg income instalment deadlines QE March

I was wondering if it has ever been put to the table to extend the deadline of BAS & payg income instalments for QE March activity statements of BAS & payg income instalments. Why do I ask? Because for QE December there is an extension of one month offered due to the Christmas / New Year period and loss of working days. So why can't a pro-rata extension be offered for QE March of at least a week, bringing due date to 7th of May in lieu of 29th April.