The Chair of the Board - Statement on Appointments

I am delighted to report that the Government has announced the appointment of Mr Anthony Klein and Ms Andrea Laing as part-time members of the Board of Taxation (the Board) for a three-year period from 20 October 2021. On behalf of the Board, I welcome Anthony and Andrea and look forward to working with them.

Anthony and Andrea will make great contributions to the work of the Board given their wealth of experience in tax.

Anthony has experience in corporate and international tax. Mr Klein has more than two decades of experience working in the tax advisory space, most of which has been spent at Big Four accounting and advisory firm PwC. Over the years, he has helped entrepreneurs across Australia and the globe with getting their businesses off the ground and is currently a tax advisor to some of the largest tech firms in Australia.

Andrea has in-house extractive industry experience. Ms Laing spent more than two decades working at Shell on tax issues, particularly indirect and employment taxes, where she was formerly the Global Project Manager of Shell and prior to that Country Tax Lead of Shell. She has also worked at EY on indirect taxes and at the ATO on various tax issues.

I would like to mention that Neville Mitchell has been reappointed as a part-time member of the Board on an acting basis for a further three-month period until the end of November 2021. Neville is currently leading the review on the dual agency administration of the R&D tax incentive with a reporting timeframe of 30 November 2021. Therefore, extending this acting arrangement will allow Neville to lead this review until it is finalised.

I would also like acknowledge the contribution of Ann-Maree Wolff who has recently completed her term with the Board. Ann-Maree has made a significant contribution to the work of the Board during her term over the past six years. The experience and knowledge that AnnMaree has brought and, in particular, her guidance and contribution to the review of capital gains tax rollovers, her leading role in tax transparency as well as international and digital taxation issues, has been greatly valued. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank AnnMaree for her work with the Board and wish her well for the future. -